Most everyone would agree that one of the hardest things we need to do professionally is look critically at ourselves.
Nobody is perfect at self criticism, but reflection on your own strengths and weaknesses is an essential part of growth and improvement.
At KGL, one of the things we try to provide all our clients is a valuable perspective from a different angle – outside their comfort zone and brought with a fresh eye.
One new way we’ve realized we can help clients is by organizing informal focus groups – to gain even more valuable insight into their mission, goals and performance.
This tactic is one of the many services that we can bring to table when we are gathering data to assist our clients.
Recently, we sat down with a group of stakeholders to conduct two back to back focus group sessions. Each had a slightly different makeup, as we’d taken care to make sure we included younger people and seniors, along with residents and visitors.
Our goal was to gain insight and honest impressions about a neighborhood in a way that would help us assist the client with future planning.
We ran through a series of questions about different topics – from recreation and entertainment to crime and parking- and allowed all the participants to provide us with unvarnished feedback.
We videotaped the entire process, so that we could provide our client with a transcript of the two sessions, and the unedited video recording of the back and forth conversation.
In addition, we sprinkled real time cell phone voting via Mentimeter into both sessions as a way of both driving additional engagement and also providing us with a nice extra package of attractive data sets.
All of that will go to our clients.
The benefit here is that we are able to offer our clients far more specificity than we ever could without the tangible data. And it grounds all of our conclusions and recommendations in real life settings.
We’d love to assist you. Lets talk and see if we can work together!